Oahu Community & Rehab Hospital Trainings- Hawaii

03/15/2023 07:30 AM - 09:00 PM HT


Honolulu, HI
United States of America


A full day of trainings with community partners. We will start with a community event where we will volunteer with Access Surf and learn about paddlesport training. In the afternoon, our national cycling staff will meet with the staff of the REHAB Hospital of the Pacific to go over the adaptive cycling program and training.



*Programs are with community partners and registration is required through their website.


7:30-10:00 AM  AccesSurf Program  

Wounded Warrior Day at the Beach

*Please register at AccesSurf in order to participate or volunteer for this event.


3:00-9:00 PM  Training with REHAB Hospital of the Pacific 

*Closed event for hospital staff & volunteers


Who can attend?: All participants and volunteers must register with AccesSurf to participate in the morning event. 


Expectations: All participants will follow our community partners rules, safety protocols, and reccomendations when participating in their programs.


How should I dress & things to bring? : Please wear moisture wicking and comfortable clothing, sandals/water shoes, and swim gear.

Participants are recommended to bring a water bottle, sunscreen, and hat for the morning event.


Timeliness: All participants and volunteers must arrive 15 minutes prior. AccesSurf has a required check-in process and they have a registration tent for all participants.


Contact Information:

Chris Wiegand.                    cycling@adaptiveadventures.org    

(303) 679-2770

*For more information about either program, please contact AccesSurf or REHAB Hospital of the Pacific 



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