**VOLUNTEER TRAINING** Access Adventure: Watersports - Wisconsin

06/05/2024 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM CT


Lauderdale Landing
W5625 Westshore Dr
Elkorn, WI 53121
United States of America


Volunteer training for adaptive water skiing.



Join us at the Lauderdale Landing in Elkhorn, WI for a fun-filled training day on the water! Our staff will go through program logistics, adaptive water ski equipment, and teach essential skills for each volunteer role.  Lunch will be provided following training. We will make every effort to accommodate dietary restrictions, but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to meet all requests.

All volunteer registrations for summer 2024 Access Adventure: Watersports will be completed through this link in order for us to better assign volunteer roles prior to the program each week.  All volunteers should have attended Volunteer Training on Wednesday, June 5th.  If you were unable to attend, please contact Adaptive Adventures staff to arrange another training opportunity.  We ask that all volunteers arrive by 9:00am to help set up for the event & fit participants for adaptive equipment.


📅 Where and When?

You must register at the link above to attend this event. Please arrive on time. Please notify staff in case of cancellation, running late, or any other event.


👕 How Should I Dress & Things to bring?

Please plan on getting in the water for this training!  Wear appropriate swim attire and water/closed toe shoes. Adaptive Adventures has limited quantities/sizes of wetsuits available for volunteers to utilize.  We recommend that you bring your own wetsuit if you have one, as well as a towel, sunscreen, hat, and change of clothes for the ride home.


📧 Contact Information

Questions? Contact : mwinfo@adaptiveadventures.org


🛣 Map

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